Membership Law
A member whose name has thus been removed under Articles No. 2 (a to d) may be
readmitted on the expiry of one year or thereafter provided his application for re-
enrollment is supported by five members of the Society testifying to his good
conduct during the intervening period. He must also submit a written apology
acceptable to the Executive Committee and also to the General Body.
Any one, ceasing to be a member of the Society, shall not, nor shall his
representative have any claim upon, or interest in the assets of the Society excepting
in so far as he may have made any advances towards the funds of the Society. But
nothing in this clause shall prevent the Society from realizing any dues from a
member at the time of his ceasing to be the member, or from his representatives and
The Accounting year and the Financial Year of the Society shall be from 1st of
April to 31st March of the succeeding year.
The income and the property of the Society whomsoever derived, shall be
applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Society as set forth in the
memorandum and bye laws of the Society and no portion thereof shall be paid or
transferred, directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise
whatsoever by way of profit to the members of the Society, provided that nothing
herein contained shall prevent the payment of remuneration in good faith to any
officer or servant of the Society or to pay any member of the Society or other persons
in return for any services actually rendered to the Society nor prevent the payment
of interest on moneys borrowed from any members or other persons.
All money of the Society shall be deposited with a bank/banks approved by
Official body of the Society. The accounts shall be maintained in the name of the
Society and to be jointly operated by the Secretary and Treasurer.
The books of accounts shall be kept at Registered Office of the Society. They shall
be properly maintained. Any member of the Society can inquire about any aspect of
finances in writing. It shall be binding on the Executive Committee/Treasurer/Hon.
Secretary to reply the member in writing within one month of the receipt of his letter.
The Accounts of the Society shall be audited annually by a Chartered Accountant
appointed in the General Body meeting of the society.
Annual General Body meeting shall be held once in every year, before 30th December.
Every member of the society present in person shall have one vote, on every
resolution placed before it. A member entitled to present and vote in meeting may
appoint a proxy to attend and vote at the meeting.
Notice of General Body meeting of the society shall be given 'to the members at
least ten days before the day appointed for such meeting by Secretary by post or
through electronic modes/media. In case of any emergency or extra ordinary AGM
to be convened a notice of 24 hrs to 12 hrs notice will be sufficient and can be issued
only by the Hon. Secretary to members through any reachable media. The notice of an Extra Ordinary
General Meeting shall contain explicitly the nature of business to be transacted at the meeting.
The quorum of the general body meeting shall be 1/3rd of the registered members
The General Body will discuss the following matters:-
Election of Members of Executive Committee (only from founder members) and other posts.
Adoption of Annual Report and Annual Accounts of the society
Appointment of auditor and fix his/her remuneration.
Any other matter of which prior notice is given to members as contained in Bye-Laws.
The General function, management, direction of the policy and affairs of the
Society shall be vested in the Executive Committee of the Society. The Executive
Committee shall be responsible for the day to day management and shall function
under the supervision and control of the President and Secretary of the Society.
The Executive Committee shall consist of 15 members who shall be elected at the
Annual General Body Meeting from the founder members. The tenure of Executive
Committee shall be for a period of two years and shall expire at the conclusion of
his/her term after two years. The nominations can be given by writing/e-
mail/uploading in the association’s official website to the secretary after call for letter
is circulated by the head office. Members who have completed three years of life
membership in the association are only eligible to contest for EC post and shall be
elected through voting if more nominations than the required will be received. The
member can contest only three times for the post. However they can contest for the
post of /Vice President/ President /Hon. Secretary only after holding the post of EC once.
Resignation of a member from Executive Committee shall be tendered to the
Society and shall not take effect until President of the General Body accepted it on
behalf of the Society. Any vacancy that may arise in the Executive Committee may
be filled in by the President and the Secretary.
The Executive Committee if required shall meet once in a month at the
Registered Office of the Society or such other place as may be approved by the
General Body of the Society. The Committee shall also meet at the call of the
President at least once in a year.
Notice of the Executive Committee Meeting shall be served to the members 5 to 7
days notice and emergency meeting can be called with 24 /12 hours notice.
The quorum of the Executive Committee shall be 1/3 of the members of the Executive Committee.