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Asian Society Of Aquaculture Academics Asian Society Of Aquaculture Academics Asian Society Of Aquaculture Academics

Our Membership

Any person possessing Masters qualification in the branch of Zoology, aquaculture and subjects allied with zoology and aquaculture will be eligible for membership.
Application for membership of the Society shall be made in writing to the Secretary of the Society in the form prescribed by the Society.
Life membership fees shall be paid at the time of admission into the society and the membership fee can be raised /increased after discussion in the annual AGM and approved by the members as and when required but can be done so only once in a financial year.
Asian Society of Aqua Culture Academics
Membership Registration Form
UPI ID : asiansociety@sbi
Asian Society of Aqua Culture Academics

The following are the various types of memberships along with respective fees structure

Founder Member Rs.10,000 or equivalent foreign currencies
Life Member Rs. 5,000 or equivalent foreign currencies
Annual Member Rs.1,000 or equivalent foreign currencies
Student Member Rs.500
Institute/Corporate/entrepreneur Member Rs. 5,000.00

Termination of Membership

Membership of the Society of a member may be terminated in any of the following ways:-

If he ceases to hold qualification as provided in (Bye Laws)
On erasure of his name from any of the ASAA register, due to misconduct and as punishment (except when his name is removed for non-payment of renewal registration fee)
He being found guilty by a Court of Justice for any offence which involves moral turpitude.
By default of receipt of payment of subscription and is in arrear for more than six months from the date subscription became payable.
If he submits his resignation by giving 30 days notice in writing to the President and has paid all the claims of the Society against him.
In the event of becoming insane.
By death.
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