The President shall preside over Executive Committee and General Body meeting. In his or her absence the Vice-President shall preside and in absence of the both any members of nominated by the General Body shall preside. The President will be elected in the Annual General Body Meeting and shall have three years of term in office.
The President shall preside over Executive Committee and General Body meeting. In his or her absence the Vice-President shall preside and in absence of the both any members of nominated by the General Body shall preside. The President will be elected in the Annual General Body Meeting and shall have three years of term in office.
The Secretary shall be responsible to the Executive Committee for proper discharge and execution of its orders and exercise supervision over all the affairs of the Society and shall be the custodian of the records. He/She shall prepare detailed report regarding the activities of the Society including the Income and expenditure and appraise the position to the General Body. He/She shall sign the cash book daily and also the receipts granted by the Treasurer towards collection and he/she authorize to file any document to the concerned Registrar of Society. The secretary shall be elected by the members at the General Body Meeting and assume office for three years. The elected Secretary shall assume office only twice in his/her life time in this association and shall not get himself/herself nominated or contest for the third term in office. The secretary can nominate one member as joint secretary to help/carry out his/her duties along with him/her or during his/her absence.
The Joint-Secretary shall carry out all the duties and function of the President in his/her absence shall be elected in the Annual General Body Meeting and will be in office for three years. The Vice President elect shall not contest after two terms in office.
He /she shall be responsible for collection of funds as fixed by the General body with collection of funds as the same in society Account within 24hours. The funds so collected shall be reflected in the cash book in same day and got the same signed from the Secretary at the closing of the day. The treasurer will assume office for three years and will be elected by the members at the Annual General Body Meeting. The Treasurer will have rights to attend the EC meeting.
The Editor shall Publish and circulate a journal or bulletins which shall be the official organ of the Society of a character specially adopted to the needs of the zoology and allied subjects which shall undertake publicity and propaganda work of the Society through its columns and publish other literature in accordance with the objects of the Society. The editor shall be elected by the Annual general body meeting and shall serve three years in office. The editor can nominated two members from the society as associate editors to help him/her to carry out the work related to publishing of the journal. The Editor and Associate Editors can attend the Executive Committee meeting.
The General body means the total members of the Society. It shall be the sole authority of the Society. The Founder members are the members who constituted the formation of this association and shall continue to be in the EC apart from the elected fifteen members.
Vote Every members shall have right to vote and the President shall have power to excise his casting vote. There shall be an election committee formed by the President which may constitute about 5 to 6 members who shall receive, scrutinize the nominations for various posts and if necessary shall recommend for the elections if more nominations are received than required for particular post. The President shall order for the elections in recommendation of the committee. The process of election either by ballot or electronic will be subject to feasibility and final call shall be taken by the Hon. Secretary in discussion with the President and EC members.
The Secretary of the Society is authorized to bring or defend or cause to be brought or defended any action or other legal proceedings touching or concerning any property, right or claim of the society and may sue or be sued in respect of any such property, right or claim.
Upon dissolution of the Society its assets will be handed over to a similar type of registrar Society or to Government after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities and shall not be distributed or paid among the members. Provided that no society shall be dissolved unless half of its member shall have expressed a wish for such dissolution by their votes delivered in person or by proxy at a General Body meeting convened for the purpose. Provided that the Society registered under this Act shall not be dissolved without the consent of the Government of the State of registration where the Government is a member contributor or otherwise interested.
The Society formed is irrevocable.
The benefits of the Society shall be open to all irrespective of the caste creed or religion.
For matters which have not been specifically provided for therein above, the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975 and the rules made there under shall apply.